Tiva 2 Washer Disinfector

Medical practices need strict cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization of instruments before they can be used on patients. Thermal High Disinfection employs moist heat above 1940 for a minimum of 5 minutes to kill bacteria and viruses in the washing phase. The Tiva line provides:
  • Thermal High Disinfection to ensure disinfection.
  • Minimizes consumption and operation costs while maximizing sustainability
  • Improves user experience with an advanced control system and an easy to use interface

Features and Benefits

  • Touch panel, color graphic display and real-time monitoring
  • A total of 40 programs: Preset and programmable cycles
  • Air drying prefilter + HEPA H14 filter
  • Intergrated water softener
  • 2 dosing pumps with flowmeter for alkaline detergent and neutralizer (additional pump optional for TIVA2-H TD)
  • USB/Printer for data documentation
  • Provides complete & total evacuation of previous water (ETS)