Nano Freedom - Headlights

Nano Freedom - Headlights

Nano 2S Loupe Light


Nano 2S+ is the 4th generation Nano light that maintains its legacy of the smallest and brightest light on the market while improving on the optics, lamp size, battery power, and in particular reconfigurable wire with the most advanced and integrated technology. It is based on the new Nano Freedom 2 technology platform.

Power and Flexibility:

  • Proven 40000 lux cool white light.
  • Battery pack – the smartest and longest lasting battery pack for up to 24 hours running time
  • Optimized beam quality with uniform pattern and skylight color for the most demanding procedures.
  • Can be elbow activated with raised button.
  • Remember the power level setting of the user’s choice.
  • Backlit display of battery status.
  • Fit to all major loupes with shock-proof durability.
  • Can be easily upgraded to the Nano Freedom 2 wireless light